
本文摘要:Tencent, China’s largest internet company by market value, reported lower than expected profits in the third quarter, although net income rose 43 per cent to Rmb10.6bn ($1.54bn), driven mainly by increases in advertising and revenues from social networks.中国市值仅次于的互联网公司(Tencent)报告第三季度利润高于预期,尽管净利润快速增长43%,至106亿元人民币(合15.4亿美元),主要受到广告业务快速增长与社交网络收益的推展。


Tencent, China’s largest internet company by market value, reported lower than expected profits in the third quarter, although net income rose 43 per cent to Rmb10.6bn ($1.54bn), driven mainly by increases in advertising and revenues from social networks.中国市值仅次于的互联网公司(Tencent)报告第三季度利润高于预期,尽管净利润快速增长43%,至106亿元人民币(合15.4亿美元),主要受到广告业务快速增长与社交网络收益的推展。While the figure slightly undershot the Rmb10.7bn estimated by a Bloomberg analyst poll, overall revenues exceeded predictions at Rmb40bn for the quarter, a 52 per cent increase year-on-year, compared with estimates of Rmb39bn.尽管这一数据略低于拒绝接受彭博(Bloomberg)调查的分析师估算的107亿元人民币,但该季总收入多达预期,超过400亿元人民币,同比快速增长52%,之前估算为390亿元人民币。Tencent also reported that growth eased in online advertising revenues, in line with guidance earlier this year predicting a slowdown in spending on ads, as China’s slowing economic growth made brands more cautious.还报告,互联网广告收益增长速度上升,这与今年早些时候公布的提示吻合,当时预测,随着中国经济快速增长上升促成各品牌更加慎重,广告开支将上升。Brands “are keeping more of the budget for the year until they see a clearer picture around the macro economics, said Martin Lau, the company’s president, in May.今年5月,总裁刘炽平(Martin Lau)回应,各品牌“在看见更加明朗的宏观经济前景之前将不会保有更大一部分年度预算”。

Online ad revenues grew 51 per cent to Rmb7.4bn, compared with 60 per cent in the second quarter and 73 per cent in the first.今年第三季度,互联网广告收益快速增长51%,至74亿元人民币,相比之下第二季度和第一季度分别快速增长60%和73%。Among the bright spots, however, were performance-based advertising revenues, where customers pay according to measurable results. They were up 83 per cent to Rmb4.4bn compared with 80 per cent growth the previous quarter. The company attributed this mainly to smartphone messaging app WeChat, the most popular internet app in China with 846m monthly active user accounts, according to Tencent.然而,效果广告收益是亮点之一,在这种广告模式下,客户根据可取决于效果收费。


该业务快速增长83%,至44亿元人民币,较上一季度快速增长80%。该公司将这主要归咎于智能手机即时信息应用于微信(WeChat),据称之为,微信是中国最热门的互联网应用于,月度活跃用户账户数量为8.46亿。Another high growth area was revenues from social networks, up 58 per cent to Rmb9.8bn, compared with 57 per cent last quarter.另一个低快速增长领域是社交网络收益,快速增长58%,至98亿元人民币,而上一季度快速增长57%。Hong Kong-listed Tencent’s share price is up 30 per cent this year, and its market capitalisation has surpassed that of its closest rival, New York-listed Alibaba. Tencent is worth $239bn, compared with $217bn for Alibaba.在香港上市的股价今年总计下跌30%,市值已多达其在纽约上市的实力最相似的竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)。


