
本文摘要:I hate the new Apple Watch. Hate what it will do to conversation, to the pace of the day, to my friends, to myself. I hate that it will enable the things that already make life so incremental, now-based and hyper-connected. That, and make things far worse.我喜欢新的上市的苹果手表。

I hate the new Apple Watch. Hate what it will do to conversation, to the pace of the day, to my friends, to myself. I hate that it will enable the things that already make life so incremental, now-based and hyper-connected. That, and make things far worse.我喜欢新的上市的苹果手表。喜欢它将不会对聊天、生活的节奏、我的朋友以及我自己产生的影响。我喜欢它不会提高那些早已让生活显得如此繁复、急功近利和超级网络的东西的效用。除此之外,除了以上这些,它还不会让情况显得差劲许多。

This has nothing to do with Apple. We can still be friends. I’m writing on a MacBook Air, my constant companion since I kissed off my hometown Microsoft-programmed clunker for the sleek and far less needy Mac some time ago. I’m closer to my iPhone 6 than to some of my siblings — you never call, you never text, you never share, not a selfie in six months.这与苹果公司牵涉到。我们还是可以做到朋友的。

我正在一台MacBook Air上写这些文字。自从一段时间以前我出局了家乡生产的那台微软公司系统的旧电脑,替换成这台可爱且近会那么必须照料的Mac之后,它仍然是我的好伙伴。我与iPhone 6的关系比我与一些兄弟姐妹的关系还亲近——从不给他们打电话、发短信,或是共享东西,六个月里连张自拍都没。


No, my animus for Apple’s smartwatch — excuse me, wearable technology — is for what it will do to us. Things are too complicated as it is. At dinner with friends, or in a meeting that I’m supposed to care about, when can I look at my phone? Who’s phone-ignore worthy, and who’s not? At what point is looking down rude? And how long into a conversation till all sides get to call a truce and take a screen dive?不,我对苹果智能手表的反感——说什么,应当是可穿着设备——在于它不会对我们产生何种影响。生活早已够简单的了。在与朋友睡觉时,或是在我应当推崇的一个会议上,我什么时候可以看手机?谁最重要到让我不看手机,谁没有那么最重要?什么时候看手机是不礼貌的?聊天展开了多长时间之后,各方才可以睡觉一下,看一眼手机屏幕?I say this as an information obsessive. I wish I could say recovering information obsessive. Like most of us, I’m in need of digital detox, not a fresh hit. Those restroom breaks at restaurants were not about bladder relief. God knows how many times I’ve sneaked away from the table just to peek at a football score, a “Daily Show” clip, a text, a photo or email, my Amazon book number. What a miserable wretch. But it could be worse: I have a friend who texts while skiing.我指出这是一种信息强迫症。我期望我能说道这种信息强迫症可以完全恢复。

就像我们中多数人一样,我必须戒掉网瘾,不是来一剂让我更加成瘾的东西。我们在睡觉时去洗手间显然不是因为人有三缓。天知道我有多少次从餐桌上偷偷地溜出来只是去为了看一眼球赛的比数、《每日秀》(Daily Show)的片段、一条短信、一张照片或电子邮件,还有我的亚马逊图书订单。

多真是啊。但情况还可以更糟:我有一个朋友一旁滑雪一旁发短信。Apple says its smartwatch, which it rolled out at one of its Dear Leader-like events in San Francisco this week, will make interactions between human and screen less complicated, and less rude. Instead of reaching into pocket or purse in front of someone, the user will just glance at the wrist. In fact, Apple calls the new feature in which the watch is touched to access the Internet a “glance.”苹果本周在旧金山一场缅怀伟大领袖似的活动中公布了这款手表。苹果说道,它的智能手表将让人与屏幕的对话不那么简单,不那么不礼貌。

用户不必须在他人面前夹住伸入口袋或手提包,只需洗一眼手腕就行了。实质上,苹果把摸一下手表就终端互联网的新功能就叫作“Glance”(瞥一眼)。Just a glance, nothing rude there. Oh, really? Remember how off-putting it was when George Bush the elder checked his watch during a question period from the audience in a presidential debate? It may have cost him the election in 1992.只是洗一眼,这可没什么不礼貌的。

噢,是吗?还忘记乔治·布什(George Bush)在总统辩论中拒绝接受观众发问时看手表的动作是多么让人恼怒吗?这有可能就是他赢1992年议会选举的原因。People check their phones about 150 times a day. Now, imagine how many glances they’ll take with all the information in the world on their wrists. Imagine how many people will attempt to drive while glancing, to walk while glancing, to talk while glancing, to make love while glancing.人们一天看手机大约150次。现在,想象一下,当全世界的信息都在手腕上展出的时候,人们不会洗上多少眼。想象有多少人会企图在驾车时洗一眼,在走路时洗一眼,在聊天时洗一眼,在做爱时洗一眼。

To the complaints that our smartphone addiction has produced a world where nobody talks much anymore, nobody listens and nobody reads, you can add a new one with the smartwatch: nobody makes eye contact.一些人责怪,手机引起的成瘾让这个世界变为了没人长时间讲话、没有人聆听,没有人读者的地方。有了智能手表之后,这些责怪中可以再加一条:没有人展开目光认识。Tim Cook, the Apple C.E.O., seems like a decent and likable guy — no tech overlord in a Darth Vader suit. But his presentation of the new watch on Monday creeped me out, and offered a road map to a world I’m not sure I want to join.苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)或许是一个讨人喜欢的正派人——不是一个穿著达斯·维达(Darth Vader)式服装的科技魔头。

但他周一展出的新手表把我看着了,而它给世界获取的方向,我也不确认否想重新加入。“The Apple Watch is the most personal device we have ever created,” he said. “It’s not just with you, it’s on you.” Ewwww. It sounds like a digital dog collar, complete with an anti-flea component. From here on out, there is no down time, and no excuses for reality escapes. You are connected, 24/7.“苹果手表是我们发售的最偷窥的设备,”他说道。“你不只是带着它,而且是戴着它。



你总有一天都在线,一周七天,一天24小时。Cook tried to humanize Apple’s latest culture-disrupter. You can talk to your wrist — it’s a phone! You can check your heartbeat — it’s a doctor! And if you don’t adequately exercise during the week, your watch will remind you of your failure — it’s a nag!库克企图让苹果政治宣传文化的近期产品人性化。你可以对着手腕说出——它是电话!你可以检查跳动——它是医生!而且如果你在一周当中没展开充足的磨练,你的表会警告你——它还唠唠叨叨的。He seemed most rapt in describing how much closer together the Apple Watch will bring us all. “You can tap your watch and get your friends’ attention,” he said. Ah, there’s a rich relationship. I can think of a number of places once considered off-limits for cellphone intrusions — the classroom, the dinner table, the bathtub — where the watch can interrupt. And who’s to know: it’s only a glance.他或许特别是在侧重叙述Apple Watch能在多大程度上让我们所有人显得更加亲近。




There is some evidence that heavy smartphone use makes you dumber. The theory is that a having the world at the other end of a mobile search makes for lazy minds, while people who depend less on their devices develop more analytical skills.一些证据指出,大量用于智能手机不会让人显得更加田寮。涉及理论指出,用移动搜寻理解世界不会使大脑显得懒散,而不那么倚赖设备的人,不会构成更加多分析技能。Add to this concerns about privacy: that the watch is a tracking device, which sends all your personal information to a central database — a corporate control center that already knows far too much about the preferences and habits of smartphone users.除此之外,还有对隐私的忧虑:这款手表是一台跟踪设备,不会将你所有的个人信息发送给一个中央数据库。那是一个商用控制中心,早已掌控了过于多有关智能手机用户的偏爱和习惯的信息。

It’s encouraging that smartwatches, thus far, have not sold very well. This could be because many of them look like those fluorescent wrist bands that people have to wear at all-inclusive resorts in order to line up at the buffet table. Or perhaps people are repulsed, as I am, by this most intimate of invasions.鼓舞人心的是,迄今为止智能手表卖得并不是十分好。这有可能是因为,许多智能手表看起来像那种发光的腕带。

在全包式度假胜地,人们为了等点心的位子,被迫戴着那些腕带。也也许人们和我一样,反感这种最亲近的侵略。Backlash is inevitable. A few days ago, Patrick Pichette, Google’s chief financial officer, announced that he was retiring because he wanted to spend more time offline. He had this epiphany, he wrote, while watching the sunrise from Mount Kilimanjaro with his wife — an experience Apple has yet to be able to meld to a wristwatch.遭反感赞成是不可避免的。

几年前,谷歌(Google)首席财务官帕特里克·皮切特(Patrick Pichette)宣告他将卸任,因为他期望有更加多的线下时间。他写到,他是和妻子在乞力马扎罗山看日落时产生这一证悟的。目前,苹果还无法把这种经历带入手表中。

