
本文摘要:Huawei, the Chinese technology group, has made its first acquisition in Ireland with the purchase of a Dublin-based telecoms network management business from developer Amartus.中国科技公司华为(Huawei)首次在爱尔兰展开并购——卖给了软件开发公司Amartus坐落于都柏林的电信网络管理业务。

Huawei, the Chinese technology group, has made its first acquisition in Ireland with the purchase of a Dublin-based telecoms network management business from developer Amartus.中国科技公司华为(Huawei)首次在爱尔兰展开并购——卖给了软件开发公司Amartus坐落于都柏林的电信网络管理业务。Huawei has agreed to buy the Amartus software and team that specialises in software-defined networking (SDN) — controlling telecoms virtually, reducing the need for engineers to physically work with the equipment.华为已表示同意并购Amartus专心于软件定义网络(SDN)的软件和团队。SDN是一种电信虚拟世界控制技术,需要增加工程师现场操作者设备的必须。The Irish group will split into two after restructuring, allowing Amartus’s Ireland-based senior team and product staff to join Huawei in the country. The Chinese group said that the deal showed Huawei’s commitment to expanding its research and development investment across Europe. Huawei would not disclose the value of the acquisition.这家爱尔兰集团将在重组后一分为二,坐落于爱尔兰的高层管理团队和产品员工将重新加入华为在爱尔兰的业务。


华为回应,这笔交易反映了华为致力于在欧洲各地增大研发投资。华为没透露这笔交易的价值。Network equipment providers such as Huawei are increasingly shifting their business away from supplying the physical wires and cabinets — which has become a commoditised business given the high level of competition — and into higher margin software and services.像华为这样的网络设备提供商于是以日益改变商业战略,从获取实物线缆和设备——在白热化竞争下这已变为了一种大宗商品简化的业务——改向利润更高的软件和服务。The technology acquired from Amartus makes it much easier and less costly to make changes to the network as it can be done remotely using the software rather than by physically adjusting the telecoms equipment.从Amartus出售的技术将使针对网络的改动更为非常简单、成本更加较低,因为可以远程用于软件来已完成操作者,需要工程师本人到现场对电信设备展开调试。

The acquisition of Amartus’s software and technology will enable Huawei to accelerate its work in cloud-based network management, which will be crucial to the future of telecoms networks.并购Amartus的软件和技术后,华为在基于云技术的网络管理方面将可以加快步伐,这个领域是未来电信网络的关键。Michael Kearns, chief executive of Amartus, said: “We [will] bring this innovative technology to Huawei at a time when the telecoms industry is experiencing unprecedented change, driven by software.”Amartus首席执行官迈克尔卡恩斯(Michael Kearns)回应:“在软件的推展下,电信业正在经历前所未有的转变,在此之际,我们(将)把这一创意技术带来华为。

”Huawei has made relatively few acquisitions during its rapid growth to become one of the world’s largest providers of telecoms equipment, and has instead mainly focused on growing internally through heavy investment in its own research and development.在华为较慢茁壮为世界仅次于电信设备提供商之一的历程中,其展开的并购比较较较少。忽略,华为主要专心于通过乘机投资研发,使自身获得发展。In the UK the company has made only two smaller acquisitions to fill in gaps in technology and expertise. Three years ago, Huawei acquired the Ipswich-based Centre for Integrated Photonics (CIP), which conducts research, design, development, manufacture and testing of photonic devices. Last year it bought Cambridge-based Neul, which provides chip set, platform, base-station and cloud management systems.在英国,华为只展开了两笔规模较小的并购,目的是填补自身在技术和专业知识方面的严重不足。

3年前,华为并购了坐落于伊普斯威奇(Ipswich)的构建光子中心(CIP),该中心研究、设计、研发、生产和检测光子设备。去年,华为并购了坐落于剑桥的Neul,该公司获取芯片组、平台、基站和云管理系统。Huawei said that the acquisition would “improve its competitiveness in SDN solutions and services by introducing fast business innovation and multi-vendor capability”.华为回应,本文结尾提及的这笔并购将“通过引进较慢的业务创意和多供应商能力,提升自身在SDN解决方案和服务方面的竞争力”。

Zha Jun, president of Huawei’s fixed network product line, said the acquisition would “help deliver our commitment to produce and develop innovative and high quality cloud and network services.”华为相同网络产品线总裁查钧回应,这笔并购将“有助还清我们关于生产和研发具备创新性的、高质量的云和网络服务的允诺。

